Read the pledge right here on this page. CLICK THIS LINK TO SIGN IT!

We, the American People, hereby reject the Covid-19 pandemic bureaucratic overreach and abridgment of our constitutional and God-given rights. We hereby call for a return to objective common sense, to re-establish calm and rational thought and to re-establish enforcement of Constitutional Law in America.

We reject the dystopian, ideological “new normal” being levied upon us – its divisive, corrosive tenets being woven into the very fabric of American society, business, politics, religion and tradition. Instead, we put our full faith in the power and wisdom of America’s Declaration of Independence, in our beautiful Constitution, in the collective wisdom of American hearts and minds, and in the God from which we derive rights which cannot be given or overridden by any injunction, regulation, directive or executive order. We consider the Covid-related mandates forced upon the us, The People, to be ill-advised, baseless, immoral, unethical and contradictory to common sense, rational thought, real science and to the parameters and limitations set forth in the Supreme Law of our Land.

We, The People, find many individuals, agencies and groups in all areas of government, and many within our legal and law enforcement systems, to be derelict in fully honoring their oaths to be faithful and true to America’s Constitution; they have betrayed the public faith and trust. We find these same people guilty of placing feelings, hunches and theories above verifiable facts and truths. For abandoning their most sacred charge, to uphold, defend and enforce our Constitutional Laws, we demand an immediate return to Constitutional law and order. We find the methods being used by many of our elected officials, un-elected bureaucrats, legal and law enforcement officials are, in many instances, indistinguishable from those routinely used in autocracies, socialist and communist nations across the globe. Unforgivably, these same un-elected and elected officials have allowed plutocratic influence to undermine our democratic, representative republican form of government.

We assert that America’s future should not be shaped by propaganda, behavior shaping, flashy models, makeshift implementations, knee-jerk impulses, news-cycle sound bites, nor by elitists, oligarchs, titans of industry and government; but instead by “The People” – commoners guided by common sense, wisdom, hard work, ingenuity, love, faith and God.

We hereby declare that our promise to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness in this Land of the Free and the Brave shall not be usurped and our rights shall not be abridged, under ANY circumstances. We aspire to be that haven of faith, of true liberty and of freedom and democracy the world so sorely needs. We flatly repudiate and reject the socialist, communist and fascist ideologies, methodologies, philosophies and psychology that are being infused into our culture with the sole purpose of fundamentally and irreparably indoctrinating each citizen of our nation, and ultimately all the citizens of planet earth, under the pretense of “keeping us safe” from a virus no more threatening than the common flu.

The interminable fear and messaging tactics being used on society are indisputably criminal in nature and easily identifiable as societal engineering and thought control or brainwashing. These insult our individual and collective intelligence and threaten the very fabric and nature of liberty, which hinges on liberty of the human mind, free from the encroachment of induced outside influence and coercion.

We solemnly pledge to each other, to our families, friends, associates and employees and to our beloved United States of America, that we will not sink into this shadowy “new normal,” seek or heed orders or guidance from chimerical sources, from fear mongers or from autocrats, false prophets and ill-advised “experts.” We pledge to NEVER again succumb to the intimidation or dictates of the Goliaths, bullies, plutocrats, tyrants and imprudent “officials” of this world who are all too happy to see humankind obediently lining up for temperature scans and vaccinations, cowering behind digital walls, separated by plexiglass barriers, queuing through stockades, and trembling as we don our protective masks and rubber gloves.

Peace to you, brothers and sisters, and to all the people of this wonderful planet Earth. May God open our eyes, hearts and minds to always seek the truth, to practice the Golden Rule, to discern between reality and illusion, and to use our God-given rights and those guaranteed by America’s enlightened Founders in our Declaration of Independence and in our Constitution, to find sensible, equitable, legal solutions for the seemingly insurmountable hurdles we face.

– Ploughjogger

If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at or send a written message to: Ploughjogger c/o The IFS, P.O. Box 68270, Oro Valley, AZ 85737